LiDAR zoom map

This page allows you to navigate through hill shaded LiDAR data of the whole of the New Forest National Park. You can make the page full screen by clicking on the link below the map, as well as zoom in and out and navigate up, down, left and right by using your mouse and the tool bar at the bottom of the window. You will also notice that the faint mapping data overlays the LiDAR to help you navigate around the image. Please feel free to explore the data further to look at areas of interest and possibly identify new features.

For more information visit the How LiDAR works page.

Click here to view map in full screen view (opens in new window)

This information is property of New Forest National Park Authority and should not be used for commercial purposes without specific permission. Use for research projects is permitted however we would ask that you inform us as to how you intend to use it.

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